Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English language
(Wiadomość utworzona zbyt dawno temu. Odpowiedź niemożliwa.)
eyes only
2003-10-06 11:47:59 UTC

How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is

How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.

How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?

"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996

Tuesday, 10th September 1996. Wake Up Australia!
5.15pm : Mister Acting Speaker, in making my first speech in this place, I
congratulate you on your election and wish to say how proud I am to be here
as the Independent member for Oxley. I come here not as a polished
politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
My view on issues is based on commonsense, and my experience as a mother of
four children, as a sole parent, and as a businesswoman running a fish and
chip shop. I won the seat of Oxley largely on an issue that has resulted in
me being called a racist. That issue related to my comment that Aboriginals
received more benefits than non-Aboriginals.
We now have a situation where a type of reverse racism is applied to
mainstream Australians by those who promote political correctness and those
who control the various taxpayer funded "industries" that flourish in our
society servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and a host of other
minority groups. In response to my call for equality for all Australians,
the most noisy criticism came from the fat cats, bureaucrats and the
do-gooders. They screamed the loudest because they stand to lose the most -
their power, money and position, all funded by ordinary Australian
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing
opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals.
Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the
inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the
taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged
people in Australia. I do not believe that the colour of one's skin
determines whether you are disadvantaged. As Paul Hasluck said in parliament
in October 1955 when he was Minister for Territories:
The distinction I make is this. A social problem is one that concerns the
way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a
problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate
societies, even if those societies are side by side. We do not want a
society in Australia in which one group enjoy one set of privileges and
another group enjoy another set of privileges.

Hasluck's vision was of a single society in which racial emphases were
rejected and social issues addressed. I totally agree with him, and so would
the majority of Australians.

But, remember, when he gave his speech he was talking about the privileges
that white Australians were seen to be enjoying over Aboriginals. Today, 41
years later, I talk about the exact opposite - the privileges Aboriginals
enjoy over other Australians. I have done research on benefits available
only to Aboriginals and challenge anyone to tell me how Aboriginals are
disadvantaged when they can obtain 3 and 5 % housing loans denied to

This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system
encourages this. I am fed up with being told, "This is our land." Well,
where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and
children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the
line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened
over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave
it to me.

Apart from the $40 million spent so far since Mabo on native title claims,
the government has made available $1 billion for Aboriginals and Torres
Strait Islanders as compensation for land they cannot claim under native
title. Bear in mind that the $40 million spent so far in native title has
gone into the pockets of grateful lawyers and consultants. Not one native
title has been granted as I speak.
The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that
welfare is killing them. This quote says it all "If you give a man a fish
you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for a

Those who feed off the Aboriginal industry do not want to see things
changed. Look at the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Members receive
$290 a day sitting allowance and $320 a day traveling allowance, and most of
these people also hold other very well paid positions. No wonder they did
not want to resign recently!

Reconciliation is everyone recognising and treating each other as equals,
and everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This is why I am
calling for ATSIC to be abolished. It is a failed, hypocritical and
discriminatory organisation that has failed dismally the people it was meant
to serve. It will take more than Senator Herron's surgical skills to correct
the terminal mess it is in. Anyone with a criminal record can, and does,
hold a position with ATSIC. I cannot hold my position as a politician if I
have a criminal record - once again, two sets of rules.

If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not
continue to hold their seats in this parliament. They are not truly
representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To
survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people,
one nation, one flag.

The greatest cause of family breakdown is unemployment. This country of ours
has the richest mineral deposits in the world and vast rich lands for
agriculture and is surrounded by oceans that provide a wealth of seafood,
and yet we are $190 billion in debt with an interest bill that is strangling

Youth unemployment between the ages of 15 to 24 runs at 25 % and is even
higher in my electorate of Oxley. Statistics, by cooking the books, say that
Australia's unemployment is at 8.6 %, or just under one million people. If
we disregard that one hour's work a week classifies a person as employed,
then the figure is really between 1.5 million and 1.9 million unemployed.
This is a crisis that recent governments have ignored because of a lack of
will. We are regarded as a Third World country with First World living
conditions. We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we
owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole
in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.

In real dollar terms, our standard of living has dropped over the past 10
years. In the 1960s, our wages increase ran at 3 % and unemployment at 2 %.
Today, not only is there no wage increase, we have gone backwards and
unemployment is officially 8.6 %. The real figure must be close to 12 to 13

I wish to comment briefly on some social and legal problems encountered by
many of my constituents - problems not restricted to just my electorate of
Oxley. I refer to the social and family upheaval created by the Family Law
Act and the ramifications of that act embodied in the child support scheme.
The Family Law Act, which was the child of the disgraceful Senator Lionel
Murphy, should be repealed. It has brought death, misery and heartache to
countless thousands of Australians. Children are treated like pawns in some
crazy game of chess.
The child support scheme has become unworkable, very unfair and one sided.
Custodial parents can often profit handsomely at the expense of a parent
paying child support, and in many cases the non-custodial parent simply
gives up employment to escape the, in many cases, heavy and punitive
financial demands. Governments must give to all those who have hit life's
hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.

We have lost all our big Australian industries and icons, including Qantas
when it sold 25 % of its shares and a controlling interest to British
Airways. Now this government wants to sell Telstra, a company that made a
$1.2 billion profit last year and will make a $2 billion profit this year.
But, first, they want to sack 54,000 employees to show better profits and
share prices. Anyone with business sense knows that you do not sell off your
assets especially when they are making money. I may be only "a fish and chip
shop lady", but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the
textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them
handle my grocery shopping.

Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying
to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of
any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration
policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe
we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 % of
all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their
own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I
will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I
should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly
multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of
failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and,
closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently
paying the price.

Arthur Calwell was a great Australian and Labor leader, and it is a pity
that there are not men of his stature sitting on the opposition benches
today. Arthur Calwell said "Japan, India, Burma, Ceylon and every new
African nation are fiercely anti-white and anti-one another. Do we want or
need any of these people here? I am one red-blooded Australian who says no
and who speaks for 90 % of Australians." I have no hesitation in echoing
the words of Arthur Calwell.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and there are solutions. If this
government wants to be fair dinkum, then it must stop kowtowing to financial
markets, international organisations, world bankers, investment companies
and big business people. The Howard government must become visionary and be
prepared to act, even at the risk of making mistakes.
In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign
aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as
corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend.
Australia must review its membership and funding of the UN, as it is a
little like ATSIC on a grander scale, with huge tax-free American dollar
salaries, duty-free luxury cars and diplomatic status.

The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in
Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are
forced to seek medication on the black market. I am going to find out how
many treaties we have signed with the UN, have them exposed and then call
for their repudiation. The government should cease all foreign aid
immediately and apply the savings to generate employment here at home.

Abolishing the policy of multiculturalism will save billions of dollars and
allow those from ethnic backgrounds to join mainstream Australia, paving the
way to a strong, united country. Immigration must be halted in the
short-term so that our dole queues are not added to by, in many cases,
unskilled migrants not fluent in the English language. This would be one
positive step to rescue many young and older Australians from a predicament
which has become a national disgrace and crisis. I must stress at this stage
that I do not consider those people from ethnic backgrounds currently living
in Australia anything but first-class citizens, provided of course that they
give this country their full, undivided loyalty.

The government must be imaginative enough to become involved, in the
short-term at least, in job creating projects that will help establish the
foundation for a resurgence of national development and enterprise. Such
schemes would be the building of the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line,
new roads and ports, water conservation, reforestation and other sensible
and practical environmental projects.

Therefore I call for the introduction of national service for a period of 12
months, compulsory for males and females upon finishing year 12 or reaching
18 years of age. This could be a civil service with a touch of military
training, because I do not feel we can go on living in a dream world forever
and a day believing that war will never touch our lives again.

The government must do all it can to help reduce interest rates for
business. How can we compete with Japan, Germany and Singapore, who enjoy
rates of two %, 5.5 % and 3.5 % respectively? Reduced tariffs on foreign
goods that compete with local products seem only to cost Australians their
jobs. We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas
countries and investors at the expense of our living standards and future.

Mister Acting Speaker, time is running out. We may have only 10 to 15 years
left to turn things around. Because of our resources and our position in the
world, we will not have a say because neighbouring countries such as Japan,
with 125 million people; China, with 1.2 billion people; India, with 846
million people; Indonesia, with 178 million people; and Malaysia, with 20
million people are well aware of our resources and potential. Wake up,
Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can
inspire and give hope in difficult times. Now is the time for the
2003-10-06 12:08:31 UTC
Post by eyes only
Wake up yourself.

Not wanted in melb.general
The Raven
2003-10-06 12:05:05 UTC
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
You tell us, seeing as you're the one trying to make a point. How does that
compare with other racial groups?
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
20 years ago it was above the US dollar, which if you had a clue you would
have used to prove your point.
Post by eyes only
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas?
How many citizens, or other racial groups, do the same?

How much extra does the foreign student pay? Just for your info, foreigners
pay 1000% in the US. I know first hand.
Post by eyes only
How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
Name a western nation that still isn't able to compete with them, despite
having more than ample opportunity?
Post by eyes only
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
Or the idiotic belief that a piece of paper will guarantee you a high paying
job despite the fact they have zero experience and just a bunch of book
Post by eyes only
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
How many of those natural born dole bludgers are fluent in English, not what
passes for basic communication?


The usual unimaginative quoting of a convicted criminal.
The Raven
** President of the ozemail.* and uunet.* NG's
** since August 15th 2000.
The Enlightenment
2003-10-06 19:09:38 UTC
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
You tell us, seeing as you're the one trying to make a point. How does that
compare with other racial groups?
Swinbourn Sociologist Katharine Betts in her book "The Great Divide" puts
the figure as being 50-60% asian and 20% from the middle east. Other
categories which would include Europe, NZ(much asian immigration comes
through NZ) and Sth sea islands is less than 20%.
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
is not.
20 years ago it was above the US dollar, which if you had a clue you would
have used to prove your point.
In the early 60s it was about 4 US dollars. Agriculture, Sheep and Mining
remain our main export industries as Ricardos priniciple of comparative
advantage would inevitably conclude. However that mining and agriculatural
sector has to fund a much larger population and it simply hasn't been able
to so our welth has declined in value.
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas?
How many citizens, or other racial groups, do the same?
Many asians pay full fees or are subsidised by their government but we alsom
offer many scholarships. However the influx of foreingers is inevitably
displacing those Australians already here. Our cities are now crowded and
congested. Easy water, always hard to collect is now extremely hard to
find, huge sums of the nations private and public sectors wealth and finance
capacity is being stretched to fund the infrasturucture for the new

Immigraion is ethnocidal. Current immigraion patters are quickly
minoritising Australians. We will be a minority withing 50 years and in
Sydney Perhaps only 20. I call this Kurdification after the Kurds who have
no political control of their destinies how and what language their
children should be taught.

The fertility rate of Australian women is less than 1.68/woman. That means
that we are declining at a rate of 1 - 1.68/2.05 = 20% per 20 year
generation. (A generation is the fertility window of a woman.) In other
words 1% per year. At the same time the immigration rate is almost 1% per

It's easy to see that the cross over will occur in less than 50 years.
Sooner in NSW and much sooner in Sydney.
Post by eyes only
How much extra does the foreign student pay? Just for your info, foreigners
pay 1000% in the US. I know first hand.
No you Don't you bullshit artist.

1 The ste plus federal governments pay about 40% 50% of the students fees
for local students.
2 In California for instance fees are about $5000 for California residents
and $8000 for non residents of that state.

Because millions of Hispanics, more than half illegal, have entered
California they have taken over the system and have made sure that they get
the lower rate even though they are illegals or the children of illegals!
The Californian and American is bled dry to pay for this becuase these
people evade 80% of the taxes they should be paying. Its insane but a
greedy US Democratic party has betrayed Americans to capture the votes of
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
Name a western nation that still isn't able to compete with them, despite
having more than ample opportunity?
Your rhetorical questions are getting nonsensical.

It is almost impossible to compete with a nation that has $2/hour jobs
(those wages provide good living stnadards in that country) and that has
been able to aborb western technology by having western firms spend
massively to do so.

Sometimes a few Western firms Germans ones like Braun spring to mind mange
to compete on the basis of Automation a excellence but they are few and far

The deindustrialisation that is happening in the west may be permanent:

"I suggest for your consideration that comparative advantage, which permits
free trade to create gains for trading partners, has been undermined by the
international mobility of factors of production. Instead of sectorial
adjustments from changes in competitive conditions, we might be experiencing
the flight of factors of production to countries where their productivity is

Let me explain. The case for free trade is a strong one with which I agree.
David Ricardo discovered the principle of comparative advantage and based
the case for free trade on this principle. He showed that if countries
avoided self-sufficiency, instead specializing in economic activities where
they had the greatest advantage or least disadvantage and trading for other
goods, the gains from trade would make each country better off than if
countries remained self-sufficient.

For comparative advantage to work, resources within each country must be
mobile so they can be reallocated to areas of comparative advantage.
However, factors of production must not be internationally mobile;
otherwise, they will flow to those countries that possess the greatest
absolute advantages. The productivity of factors of production is greatest
in countries with absolute advantage.

Historically, there have been barriers to the international mobility of
factors of production. In Ricardo's time, GDP was largely determined by
climate and geography, neither of which can migrate. In our own time, world
socialism served to constrain capital and technology within the first world
of North America, Western Europe and Japan where there are not large
differences in labor costs. Multinational corporations would have felt
unsafe investing in China and India even if they had been permitted by those
governments to do so.

The collapse of world socialism has made vast pools of cheap and willing
labor in Asia and Mexico available to US capital and technology. The
Internet has made the physical location of employees unimportant for many
knowledge and Information Technology jobs."
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
in this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and
Post by eyes only
Or the idiotic belief that a piece of paper will guarantee you a high paying
job despite the fact they have zero experience and just a bunch of book
There are many IT people now on lower paying work or driving Taxis with the
very same immigrants who have flooded the maket under the pretext of there
being a skills shortage.

Stupid treasanous gorvernment repeatly undermine Austrlian kids and workers
by allowing the quick fix of immigraion. if it were't for this companies
would have to be more forward thiniking and actualy have apprenticeships,
cadetships and traineeships. They would have to give a person 6-12 monts to
acquire skills as they canged jobs. By giving access to the Austrlian job
maket to millions of foreiners local condtions are undermined and toughened.
It all ends up with more people on the dole both Australian and immigrant.
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the
English language
There are also huge problems in our schools due to the English problems of
large numbers of such children.
Post by eyes only
How many of those natural born dole bludgers are fluent in English, not what
passes for basic communication?
Such information was readily available untill the 1998 when the
ethno-marxists started controlling access to it becuase they didn't like the


Some migrant groups have appaling employment records and have increased the
underclass of unemplyed and chronically criminal while others have good
records. Either way Austrlia should be for the people here now. Its should
NOY be for the owners of Westfield or Amcor or others who want markets for
their often shonky businesses by importing swarms of immigrants as well as
labour that bust union pwer and lowers wages and prop up there unimaginative
Post by eyes only
The usual unimaginative quoting of a convicted criminal.
When youn can't deal with an argument you attack the person. It is a tactic
that reveals that you have created no succesfull counter argument.

"We do not want a
society in Australia in which one group enjoy one set of privileges and
another group enjoy another set of privileges."
Post by eyes only
The Raven
** President of the ozemail.* and uunet.* NG's
** since August 15th 2000.
Harry Snape
2003-10-06 12:27:29 UTC
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
Why does it matter? I thought you were against immigration because of
unemployment, not because of how the immigrants look?
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
No it was not. In Oct 1983 it was worth $.90US (after a rally from .87)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
If they were foreign students then they have paid full-fees (which is
more than the government pays for the same place, basically they help
pay for the local students), if they are Australian citizens, then the
answer is about the same proportion as the rest of the Australian
citizens at university.
Post by eyes only
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
And your evidence is exactly what? Foreign students didn't come to
Australia in any great numbers till the late 80s, Japan, Singapore and
HK were producing high quality products for a lot longer than that.
Post by eyes only
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
I thought it was mostly the arts students. Perhaps they should go
overseas, you seem to think there are lots of jobs there.
Post by eyes only
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
Well Pauline's English skills hasn't exactly set the world on fire, then
we have her numeracy problems, her basic lack of knowledge of the world
around her and I dare say a small problem with the law ...

[Embarrasing speech elided, I think it is rather quaint that her
original "malaysia with 300m people" has been fixed later to the correct
20m, the things these people have to do to make her not look like an idiot]
Moses Lim
2003-10-06 13:19:47 UTC
Post by eyes only
aaahhh.. such arrogance.. to assume that others are asleep and only u r
vigilant :)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
have u forgotten the non-asians?

how about friggin pommy backpackers who drink all the beer and root all
the chicks us locals should be rightly getting?? don´t forget the bloody
poms ... i hope the wallabies thrash their sorry arses during the rugby
world cup and teach them a lesson...

shit .. backpackers are not immigrants .. sorry about that.. i just had
to get that bit on the wallabies off my chest anyway :)

aaahhhh.. middle easterns!!! hey .. some good mileage there too, mate!!
u forgot them ...

eeerrr.. africans?? cripes ... how could u miss them?

hey ... balkans!! forgot them, didn´t u?? have u seen the sausages some
of them eat??

i could keep going here .. but u get the point .. i hope ... u tell half
the story and u expect support for ur half arsed ideas .. u r not gonna
solve problems that way, matey ... u just create more problems which is
probably what u do want ...

go on .. if u r for real .. keep posting in this thread.. i dare yer
otherwise ... u r just another shit stirrer .. trying to create as much
shit as u can ... and fuck things up in this country
The Enlightenment
2003-10-06 19:13:27 UTC
Post by Moses Lim
Post by eyes only
aaahhh.. such arrogance.. to assume that others are asleep and only u r
vigilant :)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
have u forgotten the non-asians?
Europeans/Nth Americans (ie Whites) have been consistently less than 20% of
the intake.
Moses Lim
2003-10-07 00:25:38 UTC
Post by eyes only
Post by Moses Lim
Post by eyes only
aaahhh.. such arrogance.. to assume that others are asleep and only u r
vigilant :)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
Post by Moses Lim
have u forgotten the non-asians?
Europeans/Nth Americans (ie Whites) have been consistently less than 20% of
the intake.
19.99999999%??? geez... that is a lot, eh?? ban europeans and nth americans?

seeing h
Moses Lim
2003-10-07 00:29:45 UTC
Post by eyes only
Post by Moses Lim
Post by eyes only
aaahhh.. such arrogance.. to assume that others are asleep and only u r
vigilant :)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
Post by Moses Lim
have u forgotten the non-asians?
Europeans/Nth Americans (ie Whites) have been consistently less than 20% of
the intake.
19.99999999%??? geez... that is a lot, eh?? ban europeans and nth americans?

do u see how stupid this kind of argument is taking us?

how about using the time we have to figure out how to get more jobs
happening?? how about making australian made products more attractive on
international markets, eh??

or do u ppl think it is better to shit stir on immigration matters??
2003-10-08 11:39:16 UTC
Post by eyes only
Post by Moses Lim
Post by eyes only
aaahhh.. such arrogance.. to assume that others are asleep and only u r
vigilant :)
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
Post by Moses Lim
have u forgotten the non-asians?
Europeans/Nth Americans (ie Whites) have been consistently less than 20% of
the intake.
Pauline Hanson insist that migrants must speak English. This means that most
Europeans are not acceptable--Exept those from the little Island on the edge
of Europe.
2003-10-08 21:25:20 UTC
Post by H.Dickmann
Pauline Hanson insist that migrants must speak English. This means that most
Europeans are not acceptable--Exept those from the little Island on the edge
of Europe.
A program was instituted this year called AMEP (Adult Migrant English
Program) which is funded by Dept of Immigration. It replaced AMES and is
contracted out to various educational providers - in Victoria it is RMIT.

Basic English language tuition is provided free to the majority of
migrants and refugees from non-english speaking backgrounds although it
is paid for and compulsory for a number of self-funded immigrants.

The AMEP program is linked to CSWE - certificate in spoken and written
english, a previously accredited course with stringent assessment and
monitoring of the competencies. Study of the CSWE was not limited to
NESB students in the past, but anyone who desired further english
language training, level 4 certificate being roughly equivalent of VCE

Whew, and I though computer-speak generated a shit load of acronyms.
No Body
2003-10-07 07:49:20 UTC
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
You are so clever, fuckwit, so you tell us
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
Bullshit, fuckwit
Post by eyes only
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
Asians pay full fees for their uni places and are obliged to leave
Australia after they complete their studies here, didn't you know that,

There is a lot of manufacturing in Asian countries because the cost of
production is lower there, didn't you know that fuckwit?

Asian countries do not poach australian resources, they pay the going
rate for the resources which Australia sells on the open market, didn't
you know that fuckwit?
Post by eyes only
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
There is plenty of work here in Australia and overseas, unless you were
refering to graduates in ancient sumerian history, were you, fuckwit?
Post by eyes only
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
You and your Pauline Hanson can go get fucked

You seem to be very jealous of Asians because they are doing well and
can now look you in the eye as an equal, am i right, fuckwit?

Is the bile rising up in your throat now as you realise that
insignificant fuckwits like you get looked down upon by Asians and
everybody else?

You are a fuckwit You are a fuckwit You are a fuckwit
2003-10-07 07:52:46 UTC
"No Body" <***@n.o.w.h.e.r.e> wrote in message news:***@n.o.w.h.e.r.e...

PISS OFF OUT OF melb.general WANKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<garbage snipped>
<shit listed>

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.522 / Virus Database: 320 - Release Date: 29/09/2003
2003-10-07 11:13:40 UTC
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
Snipped the rest of the Bullshit.

Go to http://www.immi.gov.au and download information on the points test.
You will find that unless one is highly educated and trained it is
impossible to come to Australia. The reason we get a fair share of Asian
Migrants is because they are better educated and unlike most non British
Europeans, they speak fluently English.

Most Asians who have come here in the last 20 years are no longer Asians.
They are Australians. Unlike 450.000 Poms and 450.000 Europeans who live in
this country, Asians make a commitment to this country and become

Where in Australia can I find a Gettho of Singaporeans, of Taiwanese, of
Indonesians, of Malaysians, of Filipinos, etc. etc.

The greatest number of Asians are hard working ,law abiding, family loving
people who pay their taxes which are being used to pay for an aging
population of Europeans who were to greedy to have children.
2003-10-07 14:04:37 UTC
H.Dickmann wrote in message ...
Post by eyes only
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now
People fail to realise that the $A sunk after it was floated in 1983.


Martin Barr-David
2003-11-28 01:15:38 UTC
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
Tuesday, 10th September 1996. Wake Up Australia!
5.15pm : Mister Acting Speaker, in making my first speech in this place, I
congratulate you on your election and wish to say how proud I am to be here
as the Independent member for Oxley. I come here not as a polished
politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
My view on issues is based on commonsense, and my experience as a mother of
four children, as a sole parent, and as a businesswoman running a fish and
chip shop. I won the seat of Oxley largely on an issue that has resulted in
me being called a racist. That issue related to my comment that Aboriginals
received more benefits than non-Aboriginals.
We now have a situation where a type of reverse racism is applied to
mainstream Australians by those who promote political correctness and those
who control the various taxpayer funded "industries" that flourish in our
society servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and a host of other
minority groups. In response to my call for equality for all Australians,
the most noisy criticism came from the fat cats, bureaucrats and the
do-gooders. They screamed the loudest because they stand to lose the most -
their power, money and position, all funded by ordinary Australian
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing
opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals.
Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the
inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the
taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged
people in Australia. I do not believe that the colour of one's skin
determines whether you are disadvantaged. As Paul Hasluck said in parliament
The distinction I make is this. A social problem is one that concerns the
way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a
problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate
societies, even if those societies are side by side. We do not want a
society in Australia in which one group enjoy one set of privileges and
another group enjoy another set of privileges.
Hasluck's vision was of a single society in which racial emphases were
rejected and social issues addressed. I totally agree with him, and so would
the majority of Australians.
But, remember, when he gave his speech he was talking about the privileges
that white Australians were seen to be enjoying over Aboriginals. Today, 41
years later, I talk about the exact opposite - the privileges Aboriginals
enjoy over other Australians. I have done research on benefits available
only to Aboriginals and challenge anyone to tell me how Aboriginals are
disadvantaged when they can obtain 3 and 5 % housing loans denied to
This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system
encourages this. I am fed up with being told, "This is our land." Well,
where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and
children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the
line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened
over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave
it to me.
Apart from the $40 million spent so far since Mabo on native title claims,
the government has made available $1 billion for Aboriginals and Torres
Strait Islanders as compensation for land they cannot claim under native
title. Bear in mind that the $40 million spent so far in native title has
gone into the pockets of grateful lawyers and consultants. Not one native
title has been granted as I speak.
The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that
welfare is killing them. This quote says it all "If you give a man a fish
you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for a
Those who feed off the Aboriginal industry do not want to see things
changed. Look at the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Members receive
$290 a day sitting allowance and $320 a day traveling allowance, and most of
these people also hold other very well paid positions. No wonder they did
not want to resign recently!
Reconciliation is everyone recognising and treating each other as equals,
and everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This is why I am
calling for ATSIC to be abolished. It is a failed, hypocritical and
discriminatory organisation that has failed dismally the people it was meant
to serve. It will take more than Senator Herron's surgical skills to correct
the terminal mess it is in. Anyone with a criminal record can, and does,
hold a position with ATSIC. I cannot hold my position as a politician if I
have a criminal record - once again, two sets of rules.
If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not
continue to hold their seats in this parliament. They are not truly
representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To
survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people,
one nation, one flag.
The greatest cause of family breakdown is unemployment. This country of ours
has the richest mineral deposits in the world and vast rich lands for
agriculture and is surrounded by oceans that provide a wealth of seafood,
and yet we are $190 billion in debt with an interest bill that is strangling
Youth unemployment between the ages of 15 to 24 runs at 25 % and is even
higher in my electorate of Oxley. Statistics, by cooking the books, say that
Australia's unemployment is at 8.6 %, or just under one million people. If
we disregard that one hour's work a week classifies a person as employed,
then the figure is really between 1.5 million and 1.9 million unemployed.
This is a crisis that recent governments have ignored because of a lack of
will. We are regarded as a Third World country with First World living
conditions. We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we
owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole
in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.
In real dollar terms, our standard of living has dropped over the past 10
years. In the 1960s, our wages increase ran at 3 % and unemployment at 2 %.
Today, not only is there no wage increase, we have gone backwards and
unemployment is officially 8.6 %. The real figure must be close to 12 to 13
I wish to comment briefly on some social and legal problems encountered by
many of my constituents - problems not restricted to just my electorate of
Oxley. I refer to the social and family upheaval created by the Family Law
Act and the ramifications of that act embodied in the child support scheme.
The Family Law Act, which was the child of the disgraceful Senator Lionel
Murphy, should be repealed. It has brought death, misery and heartache to
countless thousands of Australians. Children are treated like pawns in some
crazy game of chess.
The child support scheme has become unworkable, very unfair and one sided.
Custodial parents can often profit handsomely at the expense of a parent
paying child support, and in many cases the non-custodial parent simply
gives up employment to escape the, in many cases, heavy and punitive
financial demands. Governments must give to all those who have hit life's
hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.
We have lost all our big Australian industries and icons, including Qantas
when it sold 25 % of its shares and a controlling interest to British
Airways. Now this government wants to sell Telstra, a company that made a
$1.2 billion profit last year and will make a $2 billion profit this year.
But, first, they want to sack 54,000 employees to show better profits and
share prices. Anyone with business sense knows that you do not sell off your
assets especially when they are making money. I may be only "a fish and chip
shop lady", but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the
textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them
handle my grocery shopping.
Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying
to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of
any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration
policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe
we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 % of
all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their
own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I
will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I
should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly
multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of
failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and,
closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently
paying the price.
Arthur Calwell was a great Australian and Labor leader, and it is a pity
that there are not men of his stature sitting on the opposition benches
today. Arthur Calwell said "Japan, India, Burma, Ceylon and every new
African nation are fiercely anti-white and anti-one another. Do we want or
need any of these people here? I am one red-blooded Australian who says no
and who speaks for 90 % of Australians." I have no hesitation in echoing
the words of Arthur Calwell.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and there are solutions. If this
government wants to be fair dinkum, then it must stop kowtowing to financial
markets, international organisations, world bankers, investment companies
and big business people. The Howard government must become visionary and be
prepared to act, even at the risk of making mistakes.
In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign
aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as
corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend.
Australia must review its membership and funding of the UN, as it is a
little like ATSIC on a grander scale, with huge tax-free American dollar
salaries, duty-free luxury cars and diplomatic status.
The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in
Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are
forced to seek medication on the black market. I am going to find out how
many treaties we have signed with the UN, have them exposed and then call
for their repudiation. The government should cease all foreign aid
immediately and apply the savings to generate employment here at home.
Abolishing the policy of multiculturalism will save billions of dollars and
allow those from ethnic backgrounds to join mainstream Australia, paving the
way to a strong, united country. Immigration must be halted in the
short-term so that our dole queues are not added to by, in many cases,
unskilled migrants not fluent in the English language. This would be one
positive step to rescue many young and older Australians from a predicament
which has become a national disgrace and crisis. I must stress at this stage
that I do not consider those people from ethnic backgrounds currently living
in Australia anything but first-class citizens, provided of course that they
give this country their full, undivided loyalty.
The government must be imaginative enough to become involved, in the
short-term at least, in job creating projects that will help establish the
foundation for a resurgence of national development and enterprise. Such
schemes would be the building of the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line,
new roads and ports, water conservation, reforestation and other sensible
and practical environmental projects.
Therefore I call for the introduction of national service for a period of 12
months, compulsory for males and females upon finishing year 12 or reaching
18 years of age. This could be a civil service with a touch of military
training, because I do not feel we can go on living in a dream world forever
and a day believing that war will never touch our lives again.
The government must do all it can to help reduce interest rates for
business. How can we compete with Japan, Germany and Singapore, who enjoy
rates of two %, 5.5 % and 3.5 % respectively? Reduced tariffs on foreign
goods that compete with local products seem only to cost Australians their
jobs. We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas
countries and investors at the expense of our living standards and future.
Mister Acting Speaker, time is running out. We may have only 10 to 15 years
left to turn things around. Because of our resources and our position in the
world, we will not have a say because neighbouring countries such as Japan,
with 125 million people; China, with 1.2 billion people; India, with 846
million people; Indonesia, with 178 million people; and Malaysia, with 20
million people are well aware of our resources and potential. Wake up,
Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can
inspire and give hope in difficult times. Now is the time for the
Deep Freud Moors
2003-11-28 03:31:03 UTC
Plonk him, and don't bother replying. That way none of us that have
already plonked him will have to read this shit.

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:15:38 +1100, Martin Barr-David
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus years?
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain
employment overseas? How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical area's.
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
Tuesday, 10th September 1996. Wake Up Australia!
5.15pm : Mister Acting Speaker, in making my first speech in this place, I
congratulate you on your election and wish to say how proud I am to be here
as the Independent member for Oxley. I come here not as a polished
politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
My view on issues is based on commonsense, and my experience as a mother of
four children, as a sole parent, and as a businesswoman running a fish and
chip shop. I won the seat of Oxley largely on an issue that has resulted in
me being called a racist. That issue related to my comment that Aboriginals
received more benefits than non-Aboriginals.
We now have a situation where a type of reverse racism is applied to
mainstream Australians by those who promote political correctness and those
who control the various taxpayer funded "industries" that flourish in our
society servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and a host of other
minority groups. In response to my call for equality for all Australians,
the most noisy criticism came from the fat cats, bureaucrats and the
do-gooders. They screamed the loudest because they stand to lose the most -
their power, money and position, all funded by ordinary Australian
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing
opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals.
Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the
inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the
taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged
people in Australia. I do not believe that the colour of one's skin
determines whether you are disadvantaged. As Paul Hasluck said in parliament
The distinction I make is this. A social problem is one that concerns the
way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a
problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate
societies, even if those societies are side by side. We do not want a
society in Australia in which one group enjoy one set of privileges and
another group enjoy another set of privileges.
Hasluck's vision was of a single society in which racial emphases were
rejected and social issues addressed. I totally agree with him, and so would
the majority of Australians.
But, remember, when he gave his speech he was talking about the privileges
that white Australians were seen to be enjoying over Aboriginals. Today, 41
years later, I talk about the exact opposite - the privileges Aboriginals
enjoy over other Australians. I have done research on benefits available
only to Aboriginals and challenge anyone to tell me how Aboriginals are
disadvantaged when they can obtain 3 and 5 % housing loans denied to
This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system
encourages this. I am fed up with being told, "This is our land." Well,
where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and
children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the
line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened
over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave
it to me.
Apart from the $40 million spent so far since Mabo on native title claims,
the government has made available $1 billion for Aboriginals and Torres
Strait Islanders as compensation for land they cannot claim under native
title. Bear in mind that the $40 million spent so far in native title has
gone into the pockets of grateful lawyers and consultants. Not one native
title has been granted as I speak.
The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that
welfare is killing them. This quote says it all "If you give a man a fish
you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for a
Those who feed off the Aboriginal industry do not want to see things
changed. Look at the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Members receive
$290 a day sitting allowance and $320 a day traveling allowance, and most of
these people also hold other very well paid positions. No wonder they did
not want to resign recently!
Reconciliation is everyone recognising and treating each other as equals,
and everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This is why I am
calling for ATSIC to be abolished. It is a failed, hypocritical and
discriminatory organisation that has failed dismally the people it was meant
to serve. It will take more than Senator Herron's surgical skills to correct
the terminal mess it is in. Anyone with a criminal record can, and does,
hold a position with ATSIC. I cannot hold my position as a politician if I
have a criminal record - once again, two sets of rules.
If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not
continue to hold their seats in this parliament. They are not truly
representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To
survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people,
one nation, one flag.
The greatest cause of family breakdown is unemployment. This country of ours
has the richest mineral deposits in the world and vast rich lands for
agriculture and is surrounded by oceans that provide a wealth of seafood,
and yet we are $190 billion in debt with an interest bill that is strangling
Youth unemployment between the ages of 15 to 24 runs at 25 % and is even
higher in my electorate of Oxley. Statistics, by cooking the books, say that
Australia's unemployment is at 8.6 %, or just under one million people. If
we disregard that one hour's work a week classifies a person as employed,
then the figure is really between 1.5 million and 1.9 million unemployed.
This is a crisis that recent governments have ignored because of a lack of
will. We are regarded as a Third World country with First World living
conditions. We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we
owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole
in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.
In real dollar terms, our standard of living has dropped over the past 10
years. In the 1960s, our wages increase ran at 3 % and unemployment at 2 %.
Today, not only is there no wage increase, we have gone backwards and
unemployment is officially 8.6 %. The real figure must be close to 12 to 13
I wish to comment briefly on some social and legal problems encountered by
many of my constituents - problems not restricted to just my electorate of
Oxley. I refer to the social and family upheaval created by the Family Law
Act and the ramifications of that act embodied in the child support scheme.
The Family Law Act, which was the child of the disgraceful Senator Lionel
Murphy, should be repealed. It has brought death, misery and heartache to
countless thousands of Australians. Children are treated like pawns in some
crazy game of chess.
The child support scheme has become unworkable, very unfair and one sided.
Custodial parents can often profit handsomely at the expense of a parent
paying child support, and in many cases the non-custodial parent simply
gives up employment to escape the, in many cases, heavy and punitive
financial demands. Governments must give to all those who have hit life's
hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.
We have lost all our big Australian industries and icons, including Qantas
when it sold 25 % of its shares and a controlling interest to British
Airways. Now this government wants to sell Telstra, a company that made a
$1.2 billion profit last year and will make a $2 billion profit this year.
But, first, they want to sack 54,000 employees to show better profits and
share prices. Anyone with business sense knows that you do not sell off your
assets especially when they are making money. I may be only "a fish and chip
shop lady", but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the
textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them
handle my grocery shopping.
Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying
to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of
any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration
policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe
we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 % of
all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their
own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I
will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I
should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly
multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of
failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and,
closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently
paying the price.
Arthur Calwell was a great Australian and Labor leader, and it is a pity
that there are not men of his stature sitting on the opposition benches
today. Arthur Calwell said "Japan, India, Burma, Ceylon and every new
African nation are fiercely anti-white and anti-one another. Do we want or
need any of these people here? I am one red-blooded Australian who says no
and who speaks for 90 % of Australians." I have no hesitation in echoing
the words of Arthur Calwell.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and there are solutions. If this
government wants to be fair dinkum, then it must stop kowtowing to financial
markets, international organisations, world bankers, investment companies
and big business people. The Howard government must become visionary and be
prepared to act, even at the risk of making mistakes.
In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign
aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as
corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend.
Australia must review its membership and funding of the UN, as it is a
little like ATSIC on a grander scale, with huge tax-free American dollar
salaries, duty-free luxury cars and diplomatic status.
The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in
Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are
forced to seek medication on the black market. I am going to find out how
many treaties we have signed with the UN, have them exposed and then call
for their repudiation. The government should cease all foreign aid
immediately and apply the savings to generate employment here at home.
Abolishing the policy of multiculturalism will save billions of dollars and
allow those from ethnic backgrounds to join mainstream Australia, paving the
way to a strong, united country. Immigration must be halted in the
short-term so that our dole queues are not added to by, in many cases,
unskilled migrants not fluent in the English language. This would be one
positive step to rescue many young and older Australians from a predicament
which has become a national disgrace and crisis. I must stress at this stage
that I do not consider those people from ethnic backgrounds currently living
in Australia anything but first-class citizens, provided of course that they
give this country their full, undivided loyalty.
The government must be imaginative enough to become involved, in the
short-term at least, in job creating projects that will help establish the
foundation for a resurgence of national development and enterprise. Such
schemes would be the building of the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line,
new roads and ports, water conservation, reforestation and other sensible
and practical environmental projects.
Therefore I call for the introduction of national service for a period of 12
months, compulsory for males and females upon finishing year 12 or reaching
18 years of age. This could be a civil service with a touch of military
training, because I do not feel we can go on living in a dream world forever
and a day believing that war will never touch our lives again.
The government must do all it can to help reduce interest rates for
business. How can we compete with Japan, Germany and Singapore, who enjoy
rates of two %, 5.5 % and 3.5 % respectively? Reduced tariffs on foreign
goods that compete with local products seem only to cost Australians their
jobs. We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas
countries and investors at the expense of our living standards and future.
Mister Acting Speaker, time is running out. We may have only 10 to 15 years
left to turn things around. Because of our resources and our position in the
world, we will not have a say because neighbouring countries such as Japan,
with 125 million people; China, with 1.2 billion people; India, with 846
million people; Indonesia, with 178 million people; and Malaysia, with 20
million people are well aware of our resources and potential. Wake up,
Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can
inspire and give hope in difficult times. Now is the time for the
2003-11-28 02:34:07 UTC
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
How many asian's have come into this country in the last twenty plus
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
The Australian Dollar was EQUAL TO THE US DOLLAR at that time, and now it is
How many asian's take university places and then leave our country to gain

How many specialist goods are designed and manufactured
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
in asian countries -- countries which once produced ABOSOLUTE CRAP but
through resource poaching from the west now dominate in technical
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
How many graduates from OUR VERY SAME UNIVERSITIES cannot find employment in
this country due to a complete lack of infrastructure and opportunity?(I
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
"Immigration must be halted in the short-term so that our dole queues are
not added to by, in many cases, unskilled migrants not fluent in the English
-Pauline Hanson 1996
Tuesday, 10th September 1996. Wake Up Australia!
5.15pm : Mister Acting Speaker, in making my first speech in this place, I
congratulate you on your election and wish to say how proud I am to be here
as the Independent member for Oxley. I come here not as a polished
politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
My view on issues is based on commonsense, and my experience as a mother of
four children, as a sole parent, and as a businesswoman running a fish and
chip shop. I won the seat of Oxley largely on an issue that has resulted in
me being called a racist. That issue related to my comment that Aboriginals
received more benefits than non-Aboriginals.
We now have a situation where a type of reverse racism is applied to
mainstream Australians by those who promote political correctness and those
who control the various taxpayer funded "industries" that flourish in our
society servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and a host of other
minority groups. In response to my call for equality for all
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
the most noisy criticism came from the fat cats, bureaucrats and the
do-gooders. They screamed the loudest because they stand to lose the most -
their power, money and position, all funded by ordinary Australian
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing
opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the
inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the
taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most
Post by Martin Barr-David
Post by eyes only
people in Australia. I do not believe that the colour of one's skin
determines whether you are disadvantaged. As Paul Hasluck said in parliament
The distinction I make is this. A social problem is one that concerns the
way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a
problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate
societies, even if those societies are side by side. We do not want a
society in Australia in which one group enjoy one set of privileges and
another group enjoy another set of privileges.
Hasluck's vision was of a single society in which racial emphases were
rejected and social issues addressed. I totally agree with him, and so would
the majority of Australians.
But, remember, when he gave his speech he was talking about the privileges
that white Australians were seen to be enjoying over Aboriginals. Today, 41
years later, I talk about the exact opposite - the privileges Aboriginals
enjoy over other Australians. I have done research on benefits available
only to Aboriginals and challenge anyone to tell me how Aboriginals are
disadvantaged when they can obtain 3 and 5 % housing loans denied to
This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system
encourages this. I am fed up with being told, "This is our land." Well,
where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and
children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the
line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened
over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave
it to me.
Apart from the $40 million spent so far since Mabo on native title claims,
the government has made available $1 billion for Aboriginals and Torres
Strait Islanders as compensation for land they cannot claim under native
title. Bear in mind that the $40 million spent so far in native title has
gone into the pockets of grateful lawyers and consultants. Not one native
title has been granted as I speak.
The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that
welfare is killing them. This quote says it all "If you give a man a fish
you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for a
Those who feed off the Aboriginal industry do not want to see things
changed. Look at the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Members receive
$290 a day sitting allowance and $320 a day traveling allowance, and most of
these people also hold other very well paid positions. No wonder they did
not want to resign recently!
Reconciliation is everyone recognising and treating each other as equals,
and everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This is why I am
calling for ATSIC to be abolished. It is a failed, hypocritical and
discriminatory organisation that has failed dismally the people it was meant
to serve. It will take more than Senator Herron's surgical skills to correct
the terminal mess it is in. Anyone with a criminal record can, and does,
hold a position with ATSIC. I cannot hold my position as a politician if I
have a criminal record - once again, two sets of rules.
If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not
continue to hold their seats in this parliament. They are not truly
representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To
survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people,
one nation, one flag.
The greatest cause of family breakdown is unemployment. This country of ours
has the richest mineral deposits in the world and vast rich lands for
agriculture and is surrounded by oceans that provide a wealth of seafood,
and yet we are $190 billion in debt with an interest bill that is strangling
Youth unemployment between the ages of 15 to 24 runs at 25 % and is even
higher in my electorate of Oxley. Statistics, by cooking the books, say that
Australia's unemployment is at 8.6 %, or just under one million people. If
we disregard that one hour's work a week classifies a person as employed,
then the figure is really between 1.5 million and 1.9 million unemployed.
This is a crisis that recent governments have ignored because of a lack of
will. We are regarded as a Third World country with First World living
conditions. We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we
owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole
in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.
In real dollar terms, our standard of living has dropped over the past 10
years. In the 1960s, our wages increase ran at 3 % and unemployment at 2 %.
Today, not only is there no wage increase, we have gone backwards and
unemployment is officially 8.6 %. The real figure must be close to 12 to 13
I wish to comment briefly on some social and legal problems encountered by
many of my constituents - problems not restricted to just my electorate of
Oxley. I refer to the social and family upheaval created by the Family Law
Act and the ramifications of that act embodied in the child support scheme.
The Family Law Act, which was the child of the disgraceful Senator Lionel
Murphy, should be repealed. It has brought death, misery and heartache to
countless thousands of Australians. Children are treated like pawns in some
crazy game of chess.
The child support scheme has become unworkable, very unfair and one sided.
Custodial parents can often profit handsomely at the expense of a parent
paying child support, and in many cases the non-custodial parent simply
gives up employment to escape the, in many cases, heavy and punitive
financial demands. Governments must give to all those who have hit life's
hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.
We have lost all our big Australian industries and icons, including Qantas
when it sold 25 % of its shares and a controlling interest to British
Airways. Now this government wants to sell Telstra, a company that made a
$1.2 billion profit last year and will make a $2 billion profit this year.
But, first, they want to sack 54,000 employees to show better profits and
share prices. Anyone with business sense knows that you do not sell off your
assets especially when they are making money. I may be only "a fish and chip
shop lady", but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the
textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them
handle my grocery shopping.
Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying
to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of
any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration
policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe
we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 % of
all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their
own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I
will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I
should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly
multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of
failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and,
closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently
paying the price.
Arthur Calwell was a great Australian and Labor leader, and it is a pity
that there are not men of his stature sitting on the opposition benches
today. Arthur Calwell said "Japan, India, Burma, Ceylon and every new
African nation are fiercely anti-white and anti-one another. Do we want or
need any of these people here? I am one red-blooded Australian who says no
and who speaks for 90 % of Australians." I have no hesitation in echoing
the words of Arthur Calwell.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and there are solutions. If this
government wants to be fair dinkum, then it must stop kowtowing to financial
markets, international organisations, world bankers, investment companies
and big business people. The Howard government must become visionary and be
prepared to act, even at the risk of making mistakes.
In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign
aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as
corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend.
Australia must review its membership and funding of the UN, as it is a
little like ATSIC on a grander scale, with huge tax-free American dollar
salaries, duty-free luxury cars and diplomatic status.
The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in
Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are
forced to seek medication on the black market. I am going to find out how
many treaties we have signed with the UN, have them exposed and then call
for their repudiation. The government should cease all foreign aid
immediately and apply the savings to generate employment here at home.
Abolishing the policy of multiculturalism will save billions of dollars and
allow those from ethnic backgrounds to join mainstream Australia, paving the
way to a strong, united country. Immigration must be halted in the
short-term so that our dole queues are not added to by, in many cases,
unskilled migrants not fluent in the English language. This would be one
positive step to rescue many young and older Australians from a predicament
which has become a national disgrace and crisis. I must stress at this stage
that I do not consider those people from ethnic backgrounds currently living
in Australia anything but first-class citizens, provided of course that they
give this country their full, undivided loyalty.
The government must be imaginative enough to become involved, in the
short-term at least, in job creating projects that will help establish the
foundation for a resurgence of national development and enterprise. Such
schemes would be the building of the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line,
new roads and ports, water conservation, reforestation and other sensible
and practical environmental projects.
Therefore I call for the introduction of national service for a period of 12
months, compulsory for males and females upon finishing year 12 or reaching
18 years of age. This could be a civil service with a touch of military
training, because I do not feel we can go on living in a dream world forever
and a day believing that war will never touch our lives again.
The government must do all it can to help reduce interest rates for
business. How can we compete with Japan, Germany and Singapore, who enjoy
rates of two %, 5.5 % and 3.5 % respectively? Reduced tariffs on foreign
goods that compete with local products seem only to cost Australians their
jobs. We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas
countries and investors at the expense of our living standards and future.
Mister Acting Speaker, time is running out. We may have only 10 to 15 years
left to turn things around. Because of our resources and our position in the
world, we will not have a say because neighbouring countries such as Japan,
with 125 million people; China, with 1.2 billion people; India, with 846
million people; Indonesia, with 178 million people; and Malaysia, with 20
million people are well aware of our resources and potential. Wake up,
Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can
inspire and give hope in difficult times. Now is the time for the
2003-11-28 03:02:26 UTC
Given that your argument is a quote from Pauline Hansen, not sure why Im
bothering to respond, guess it's because it annoys me to think someone could
believe in something so stupid.

Ive been to university, and studied for years with overseas students, Ill
be Pauline can't say the same.
They pay big bucks to attend our universities, twice as much as Australian
citizens. Given that the Australian government has decided to minimise
funding for education, it's the overseas students that go a long way to
keeping the tertiary system afloat.

But don't worry, all you stupid racist bastards, these qualified & highly
motivated people wont steal the jobs from under your noses, they only get
study visas which expire when they graduate.

Maybe while she's learning about the tertiary system, Pauline can also drop
in and do a course in economics and learn something about floating
currencies and global commerce. Given that most of the students I met were
from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia & China, taking a look at the exchange
rates, we've actually gained on these countries, especially in the past 10
years. How does that relate to the $US system?

So, what do I think? All politicians are full of shit, but Pauline just
makes it easier than most to pick the shit out of.
